PRATIC 2.0, Caoduro Lucernari Special Prize on Cantieri Vicentini
PRATIC 2.0, Caoduro Lucernari Special Prize, commissioned by PRATIC f.lli Orioli S.p.A and projected by GEZA Gri e Zucchi Architettura S.r.l. on Cantieri Vicentini.

Season's Greetings!
Happy Holidays!
Even the organizing office goes on vacation. See you on January 7th for a 2020 full of surprises.

Dedalo Minosse comes back to Theatro
LOCATION: Theatro, Via F. Petrarca, 20 - 20843 Verano Brianza (MB)
DATE: October 30th, 2019
Dedalo Minosse International Prize comes back to Theatro, in Verano Brianza(MB), on October 30th 2019.

Zàel techincal sponsor of the eleventh edition of the Dedalo Minosse Prize!
Thanks to Zàel techincal sponsor of the eleventh edition of the Dedalo Minosse Prize!

Corà Domenico & figli S.p.A sponsor of the eleventh edition of the Dedalo Minosse Prize!
Thanks to Corà Domenico & figli S.p.A sponsor of the eleventh edition of the Dedalo Minosse Prize!

Gastronomia Dal Ponte, Loison Pasticceri dal 1938 and Morato Pane technical sponsors of the eleventh edition of the Dedalo Minosse Prize!
Thanks to Gastronomia Dal Ponte, Loison Pasticceri dal 1938 and Morato Pane technical sponsors of the eleventh edition of the Dedalo Minosse Prize!

Thanks to Sitia technical sponsor of our Prize!
Sitia is a brand founded in 2002, solely dedicated to design and the making of quality "made in Italy" chairs.

Ivdesign friends of the eleventh edition of the Dedalo Minosse Prize!
Thanks to Ivdesign friends of the eleventh edition of the Dedalo Minosse Prize!

Dedalo Minosse travelling exhibition in Firenze
LOCATION: Fortezza Da Basso, Firenze
DATE: 18th - 27th October 2019
The travelling exhibition of the Dedalo Minosse International Prize will be shown, from October 18th to October 27th 2019, at the XII Florence Biennale - Mostra Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea e Design, that will take place in the Spadolini Pavilion of the Fortezza da Basso in Firenze.

Last event of the Forum: Compatibly promoting historical heritage. Projects, opportunities and tangible examples
"Compatibly promoting historical heritage. Projects, opportunities and tangible examples" was on October 3rd, 2019.

Six eventh of the Forum: The future as a client
The future as a client was on October 1st, 2019.

Thanks to Matteo Pala Tappeti Contemporanei technical sponsor of our Prize!
A family history, a passion and an experience that oscillate between tradition and experimentation, the fascination for distant lands and the continuous search for personal and personalized solutions: from all this comes what Matteo Pala has turned into a real and its center specialized in design, creation and care of the carpet. A custom oriented project in which Matteo follows each phase: design, construction, selection of materials to achieve the optimal result; delivery, advice for the perfect preservation of quality over the years and possibly restoration, because this experience remains unique over time.

Fifth event of the Forum: Reinhabiting existing buildings. Visions, plans and prospects for the New Bertoliana Library in the former Court complex
"Reinhabiting existing buildings. Visions, plans and prospects for the New Bertoliana Library in the former Court complex" was on September 27th, 2019.

Fourth event of the Forum: Quality in restoration designs and sites: from archaeology to modern constructions
"Quality in restoration designs and sites: from archaeology to modern constructions" was on September 26th, 2019.

Third event of the Forum: The culture of preventing loss by redeveloping urban spaces
"The culture of preventing loss by redeveloping urban spaces" was on September 25th, 2019.

Caoduro Lucernari, Corà Domenico & Figli and Studio Gabbiani & Associati for the eleventh edition of the Dedalo Minosse
Thanks to Antonella Caoduro and Paolo Caoduro of Caoduro Lucernari, Corà Domenico & Figli and Studio Gabbiani & Associati for the Art installation within the exhibition of our Award!

Second event of the Forum: Architectural redevelopment and social redevelopment: how the construction industry can serve towns and cities
"Architectural redevelopment and social redevelopment: how the construction industry can serve towns and cities" was on September 23rd, 2019.

First event of the Forum: Workshop. About Dedalo Minosse
The workshop - About Dedalo Minosse was on september 22nd, 2019.

Awards ceremony of the Eleventh Edition of the Dedalo Minosse International Prize
The Awards ceremony was held on September 21st, 2019 at the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza.

Alessandra Comazzi and Giorgio Tartaro will present the Eleventh Edition of the Dedalo Minosse International Prize
This year the Eleventh edition of the Dedalo Minosse International Prize will be presented by Alessandra Comazzi and Giorgio Tartaro.

Ares Line among the Friends of Dedalo Minosse Prize!
The mission of the Company is that of developing new solutions of seating able to satisfies both of these aspects, the allowing the user work in a more creative, efficient and pleasant way.

Thema Srl sponsor of the Eleventh Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize!
Thema offers complete and customized made solutions, from concept to installation.

Theatro supports the Eleventh Edition of the Dedalo Minosse Prize
Theatro was established after its two co-founders, Thema and Schüco Italia, had a light-bulb moment. They realised that architects and clients often need coordinated support during the project implementation phase.

Laboratorio Morseletto confirms his sponsorship to the Dedalo Minosse Prize
Thanks to Laboratory Morseletto that have supported the Dedalo Minosse Prize for over ten years.

Press Conference of the Dedalo Minosse's Eleventh Edition in Milan
Press conference of Dedalo Minosse's eleventh edition was on July 16th, 2019 at the Palazzo dei Giureconsulti in Milan.

Press Conference of the Dedalo Minosse's Eleventh Edition in Milan
Press conference of Dedalo Minosse's eleventh edition will be held on July 16th, 2019 at the Palazzo dei Giureconsulti in Milan.

Meeting of International and inter-disciplinary Jury of the Dedalo Minosse's Eleventh Edition
Jury's meeting of Dedalo Minosse's eleventh edition was on June 14th, 2019. The reunion was at the Palazzo Bonin Longare, hosted by Confindustria Vicenza, where the Jury assigned prizes to the clients, which trough their realizations invested, renovated and improved the quality of life, not only of their project but also in the community.

Press Conference of the Dedalo Minosse's Eleventh Edition
Press conference of Dedalo Minosse's eleventh edition was on June 18th, 2019.

Graniti Fiandre support Dedalo Minosse also for the eleventh edition
Thanks to GranitiFiandre which have supported our event for years!

Dedalo Minosse International Prize is coming to OPEN 2019 in Catanzaro
Dedalo Minosse International Prize for commissioning a buiding will participate to the appoitment of "La Committenza d'autore. Appunti di viaggio" in Largo Prigioni in Catanzaro City, on 24th May 2019, at the OPEN 2019 Event.

Material ConneXion® Italia confirms his sponsorship to the Dedalo Minosse Prize
Thanks to Material ConneXion® Italia for its contribution to the Dedalo Minosse Prize.

Submissions to the Eleventh Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize are postponed
It will be possible to enter the Prize in accordance to these new deadlines:
- ONLINE FORM: it must be filled by 7th June 2019
- MATERIALS TO BE PRESENTED: they must be received by 7th June 2019- 6pm (post marks do not count)
See the rules

Registrations to the Eleventh Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize 2018/2019 are open
From 25th February 2019 to 25th May 2019
ALA - Assoarchitetti launches the Eleventh Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize for commissioning a building 2018/2019.