Idalia Gruppo Centroedile among the Sponsors of the Twelfth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize
Idalia is an Italian company dedicated to interior fittings and home renovation with a special attention to the world of bathroom, walls, floors, doors and armored doors.

Aresline among the Sponsors of the XII Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize
Since 1987 the company's mission is to design comfortable experiences for collective spaces, thanks to the constant pursuit of excellence in various fields of expertise and at every stage of the production process.

Laboratorio Morseletto renews its sponsorship for the Twelfth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize
Thanks to Laboratorio Morseletto that have supported Dedalo Minosse Prize for over ten years.

Materially among the Sponsors of the Twelfth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize
Materially helps companies in the development and promotion of sustainable innovation starting from materials.

Estel among the Sponsors of the XII Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize
Estel, an historical furniture company of the Italian Design, supports the Twelfth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize.

Caleidoscopio | suono | luce | tempo
Dedalo Minosse and ALA - Assoarchitetti patronize and participate at one of the collateral events of Genoa BeDesign Week, scheduled from 18th to 22nd of May: the exhibition "Caleidoscopio suono luce tempo" sponsored by DIDE - Genoa and curated by Fortunato D'Amico and Chiara Ferella Falda, that will take place at Santa Maria di Castello and will see 4 architects dialogue with 14 contemporary artists.

Thema among the Media Partners of the Twelfth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize
The magazine Thema is dedicated to in-depth analysis of architecture, sacred art and ecclesiastical cultural heritage issues; and it is one of the means of communication of the Academic Facility "Architettura e Liturgia".

Sisecam among the Sponsors of the Twelfth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize
Since was created in 1935, the Sisecam Group is among the first industrial companies in Turkey and one of the best companies that represent Turkish industry worldwide. Today the Sisecam Group is a global player in flat glass, glassware with own brand, packaging and fiberglass up to raw materials for the chemical industry including soda and chromium, with about 22.000 employees.

Submissions to the Twelfth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize are postponed
It will be possible to enter the Prize in accordance to these new deadlines:
- ONLINE FORM SUBSCRIPTION: it must be filled by 16th MAY 2022
- MATERIALS TO BE PRESENTED: they must be received by 16th MAY 2022 - 11.59 p.m. (post marks do not count)

Linea Verde - Rai Uno arrives in Vicenza!
On Saturaday 9th of April 2022, Linea Verde Life stopped in Vicenza, the city of Palladio and of manufacturing export.
Among the various insights of the episode, a little space has been dedicated to Dedalo Minosse International Prize for Commissioning a Building, which for 25 years is held in Vicenza in the iconic places of the Olympic Theater and the Palladian Basilica, and this year launches its Twelfth Edition.

2030 Agenda - Goal 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
On Saturday 9th April at Castello Visconteo di Vigevano, within the exhibiting spaces of the exhibition sponsored by ALA "Habitat - Regenerating the Planet" of Massimo Facchinetti and curated by Fortunato D'Amico, will be held the second meeting of seminars dedicated to the sustainable change "Sustainable Cities and Communities", Goal 11 of the 2030 Agenda, at which ALA Assoarchitetti participates.

Il Giornale dell'Architettura among the Media Partners of the Twelfth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize!
Il Giornale dell'architettura was founded by Carlo Olmo in November 2002 as a monthly paper magazine and published by the publishing house Allemandi & C. until spring 2014.

Linea Verde - Rai Uno arrives in Vicenza, the city of Palladio and of manufacturing export!
Among the various insights of the next espisode of Linea Verde Life - Rai Uno, there will be a little space dedicated to Dedalo Minosse International Prize for Commissioning a Building, which for 25 years is held in Vicenza in the iconic places of the Olympic Theater and the Palladian Basilica.

The Role of Public and Private Clients in the project of a sustainable future
On Saturday 2nd April at Castello Visconteo of Vigevano, within the exhibiting spaces of the exhibition sponsored by ALA "Habitat - Regenerating the Planet" of Massimo Facchinetti and curated by Fortunato D'Amico, will be held the conference "The Role of Public and Private Clients in the project of a sustainable future", at which ALA Assoarchitetti participates.

The magazine IQD among the Media Partners of the Twelfth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize!
IQD is a prestigious international reference for the architecture and design sectors.

Registrations to the Twelfth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize 2021/2022 are open
From 23rd March 2022 to 6th May 2022
25 years after its foundation, ALA - Assoarchitetti launches the Twelfth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize for commissioning a building 2021/2022.

Platform renews its mediapartnership for the Twelfth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize!
"Platform Architecture and Design" is an internationally distributed peer reviewed journal on architecture, design and interiors that focuses on a critical reading of trends in the international debate by bringing together ideas and new directions through critical interpretations and scholarly research.