Dedalo Minosse International Prize


Dedalo Minosse International Prize

Dedalo Minosse International Prize for commissioning a building, is promoted by ALA - Assoarchitetti and Regione del Veneto*. The Prize, founded in 1997, is biennial and is currently in its twelfth edition.


Clients are protagonists: a unique prize.
The Prize would boost the quality of architecture looking at final result, analysing and focusing on project and constructive plan process and giving a special attention to people who determine the success of the work: the architect and the client, supported by the project executors (the building firms) and the public administrations.


The Jury assigns the following awards:

- the Dedalo Minosse International Prize, to a Client who commissioned a professional Architect from any country in the world;
- the Dedalo Minosse International Prize OCCAM - Under 40, to a Client who commissioned a young professional Architect from any country in the world;
- the ALA - Assoarchitetti Fondazione Inarcassa Prize, to a Client who commissioned an Italian professional Architect;
- the ALA - Assoarchitetti Prize - Under 40, to a Client who commissioned a young Italian professional Architect.

Special awards

The guidelines of the Prize are written by a scientific committee, represented by architects, businessman and personalities of culture. The scientific committee identifies the following topics:

- social sustainability;
- economic sustainability;
- works inspired by Design for All;
- use of the natural light;
- enhancement and conservation of the environment, the landscape and the architectural heritage;
- use of innovative technologies and materials;
- use of renewable energy and resources;
- promotion of traditions and local languages;
- multidisciplinary planning approach;
- integration between art/architecture.

*Regional initiative pursuant to Regional Law 49/1978