2021/2022 Edition


  • Forum of Clients
  • DATE:September 17th - October 2nd, 2022
  • LOCATION:Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza

For two weeks, a big Forum of Clients in the old "forum" of Vicenza, Architects and Clients, Contractors, Journalists and Specialists will discuss through seminars, conferences and inter-disciplinary workshops that will be opened to the public.
The heart of the city will be animated by professionals, entertainers and associations.

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Workshop. About Dedalo Minosse

DATE: September 17th, 2022 / H. 14.00-18.00
LOCATION: Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza

Architects will talk about the special relationship with their clients selected by the Jury.
A travel in the world of ideas and projects, which will see a dozen representatives of established and emerging firms, coming from Europe, United States, South America and Asia.

Event with simultaneous interpreting.

Free entrance subject to availability. Reservation is required at dedalominosse@assoarchitetti.it

For participation in the event will be recognized N. 4 CFP.

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Architecture social impact

DATE: September 18th, 2022 / H. 16.00-18.00
LOCATION: Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza

The round table will address emerging scenarios and frontiers in architecture, urban planning and design. Regardless of the scale, the "lateral" approaches to the project are increasingly urgent and decisive.
The role of the designer becomes fundamental in knowing how to listen, convey and direct the multiple voices, needs and aspirations towards a coherent and shared goal, in which the final composition and configuration depend on external factors and pressures.

Lisa Borinato, president of the OAPPC of Provincia di Vicenza

Marcella Gabbiani, director of Dedalo Minosse Prize

Dan Pitera, Principal of Architecture Faculty at the University of Detroit Mercy
Francesco Musco, Full professor of Urban Planning, Research Director, Università Iuav di Venezia

Event with simultaneous interpreting.

Free entrance subject to availability. Reservation is required at dedalominosse@assoarchitetti.it

For participation in the event will be recognized N. 2 CFP.

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La sfida della riqualificazione dell'edilizia di pregio e dei centri storici

DATE: September 22nd, 2022 / H. 18.00-20.00
LOCATION: Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza

Luca Baldin, director of Smart Building Italia

Maurizio Molini, Brand Ambassador of Dedalo Minosse
Pasquale Capezzuto, President of Associazione Energy Managers
Gianni Massa, Vicepresident of National College of Engineers
Stefano Micelli, Full Professor of Economics and business management of Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
Selena Brocca, Project Manager Locanda Officina Monumentale Milano

Event sponsored by da ALA Assoarchitetti and Smart Building Italia with the contribution of Idalia Gruppo Centroedile.

Event in Italian.

Free entrance subject to availability. Reservation is required at dedalominosse@assoarchitetti.it

For participation in the event will be recognized N. 2 CFP.

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Il progetto di trasformazione territoriale e architettonico

DATE: September 24th, 2022 / H. 18.00-20.00
LOCATION: Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza

Fortunato D'Amico, Scientific Committee Dedalo Minosse Prize

Massimo Facchinetti and Carlo Bono, Studio Facchinetti & Partners
Mario Reduzzi, director of Consorzio di Bonifica della Media Pianura Bergamasca

Event sponsored by ALA Lombardia.

Event in Italian.

Free entrance subject to availability. Reservation is required at dedalominosse@assoarchitetti.it

For participation in the event will be recognized N. 2 CFP.

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La cultura come motore per il rilancio delle città italiane

DATE: September 28th, 2022 / H. 18.00-20.00
LOCATION: Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza

Bruno Gabbiani, ALA Assoarchitetti

Francesco Rucco, Mayor of Vicenza
Gaetano Marangoni, councilor of Sezione Costruttori Edili and Impianti di Confindustria Vicenza, already Vicepresident of Confindustria Vicenza
Laura Carbognin, Vicepresident of Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Vicenza

Paola Faroni, Project Manager for the Capital of Culture Brescia Bergamo 2023
Stefano Molgora, President of the Order of Architects of Brescia
Alessandra Boccalari, President of the Order of Architects of Bergamo
Carlotta Bonvicini, Assessor for Sustainability Policies with powers to Environment, Agriculture and sustainable Mobility of Comune di Reggio Emilia

Event sponsored by ALA Assoarchitetti with Comune di Vicenza and Confindustria Vicenza, Sezione Costruttori Edili.

Event in Italian.

Free entrance subject to availability. Reservation is required at dedalominosse@assoarchitetti.it

For participation in the event will be recognized N. 2 CFP.

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IL FORUM OSPITA... Quarta notte della ricerca a Vicenza

DATE: September 30th, 2022 / H. 16.00-20.00
LOCATION: Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza

Event organized by the promoters: Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana, Fondazione Studi Universitari di Vicenza and Accademia Olimpica.

Free entrance subject to availability. The reservation is not compulsory.

Event in Italian.

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IL FORUM OSPITA... Il teatro e la città

DATE: October 1st, 2022 / H. 10.00-12.00
LOCATION: Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza

Held on the side-lines of the 75° Ciclo di Spettacoli Classici at the Olympic Theatre, in collaboration with Accademia Olimpica and Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana. Event in Italian.

Free entrance subject to availability. Reservation is required at www.classiciolimpicovicenza.it

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