Founder and Senior partner of Auer Weber Assoziierte
Professor at the Politecnico di Milano
Writer and essayist
Artistic researcher
President of ALA - Assoarchitetti
Architectural historian
Director of A.R.P.A.I. Associazione per il restauro del patrimonio Artistico Italiano
Professor for FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano
Architectural historian
Advisor of institutional clients
Principal architect of Smith Group
International Committee
Representative Director of Kubota Architect Atelier
Specially-appointed Professor at Hiroshima Jogakuin University
Professor of Architecture Theory at the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
Editorial manager for the Architecture and Design area at the Skira publishing house
Editorial Director of YouBuild (Virginia Gambino Editore)
Dean of the College of Architecture of the Illinois Institute of Technology
President of OCCAM
President of the Italian Committee of CICIT - UNESCO
Architect and urbanist
Director of the architecture agency SAREA
Architect and writer
Creator and editor of
Architect and Designer
Professor at Politecnico di Milano
Founder of Total Tool
Member Council CERPA Centro Europeo di Ricerca e Promozione dell'Accessibilità
Professor of the University of Padua
Director of the UOC of Nephrology, dialysis and renal transplant surgery of the San Bortolo Hospital in Vicenza
Director of the International Renal Research Insitute of Vicenza
President of the Association "Lo Spirito di Stella"