Press Conference of the Dedalo Minosse's Eleventh Edition in Milan
Press conference of Dedalo Minosse's eleventh edition was on July 16th, 2019 at the Palazzo dei Giureconsulti in Milan.
With the partecipation of Marcella Gabbiani - Director of Dedalo Minosse Intenational Prize, Marco Sammicheli - Member of the jury of XI edition of Dedalo Minosse Prize, International Relations Chief Officer of Triennale di Milano, Pierpaolo Saporito - Patron of XI edition of Dedalo Minosse Prize, President of OCCAM, Presidend of the Italian Committee of CICIT - UNESCO and Rodrigo Rodriquez - Member of the Scientific Committee of XI edition of Dedalo Minosse Prize, President of Material Connexion Italia.
Save the date:
The award ceremony will be held on September 21st, 2019 at the Teatro Olimpico.
This year the exhibition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize for Commissioning a Building, will be held from September 21st to October 6th, 2019 at the Basilica Palladiana.