Press Conference of the Dedalo Minosse's Eleventh Edition
Press conference of Dedalo Minosse's eleventh edition was on June 18th, 2019.
The presentation was in Sala Stucchi at Palazzo Trissino with the mayor of Comune di Vicenza, Francesco Rucco, and the president of Commissione Cultura, Caterina Soprana, and the vice president of Provincia di Vicenza, Maria Cristina Franco, and the national vice president of ALA - Assoarchitetti, Roberto Tretti, and the director of Dedalo Minosse Prize, Marcella Gabbiani.
The award ceremony will be held on September 21st, 2019 at the Teatro Olimpico.
This year the exhibition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize for Commissioning a Building, will be held from September 21st to October 6th, 2019 at the Basilica Palladiana.