Together with the award ceremony at the Olympic Theatre in Vicenza, Italy, ALA Assoarchitetti & Ingegneri organizes also an exhibition of the selected works of the Dedalo Minosse Prize in a Palladian building in the city center.
This exhibitions then, travels in Italy and abroad for the next two years.
November 11th, 2024
September 30th - October 3rd, 2024
September 3rd - 6th, 2024
May 29th, 2024
May 15th - 17th, 2024
Rome, Casa dell'Architettura
January 17th, 2024
Vibo Valentia, Casa delle Professioni
November 24th, 2023
Reggio Calabria, Palazzo San Giorgio
November 3rd, 2023
Florence, XIV Florence Biennale
October 19th, 2023
Cosenza, Palazzo Arnone - Galleria Nazionale di Cosenza
September 25th, 2023
San Francisco, Innovit - Italian Innovation & Culture
September 2023
Naples, Basiliche Paleocristiane of Cimitile
May 20th, 2023
Here a list of the previous itinerary exhibitions.
Santa Maria di Castello (GE), Caleidoscopio | suono | luce | tempo, May 18th - 22nd, 2022
Verano Brianza (MB), Theatro, October 30th, 2018
Florence, XII Florence Biennale, October 18th - 27th, 2018
Bologna, SAIE, BolognaFiere, October 17th - 20th, 2018
Pisa, Arsenali Medicei, October 16th - 18th, 2018
Milan, Confprofessioni Lombardia, June 14th, 2018
Bozen, NOI Techpark Spazio Noise, May 11th - June 8th, 2018
Verano Brianza (MB), Theatro powered by Schüco, October 3rd - 27th, 2017
Castel Maggiore (Bologna), Villa Zarri, September 27th - 29th, 2017
Turin, 53° IFLA World Congress 2016, April 18th - 23rd, 2016
Bozen, Forte di Fortezza, August 21st - September 13th, 2015
Turin, Festival dell'architettura, Chiesa di san Michele Arcangelo, June 30th - July 4th, 2015
Benevento, Palazzo Paolo V, September 19th - 21st, 2014
Perugia, Facoltà di Ingegneria, November 22nd, 2013
Bozen, Forte di Fortezza, July 5th - 31st, 2013
Turin, MADE expo 2012, October 17th - 20th, 2012
Mercogliano (Avellino), Complesso religioso di SS. Maria di Montevergine, October 5th - 14th, 2012
Vicenza, La Città dell'architettura n.0, September 21st - 30th, 2012
Rome, La Casa dell'Architettura, June 5th - 10th, 2012
Turin, XXV Salone Internazionale del Libro, Lingotto Fiere, May 10th - 14th, 2012
Ferrara, XIX Salone del Restauro, Ferrara Fiera, March 28th - 31st, 2012
Urbino, Palazzo degli Scolopi, December 16th - 31st, 2011
Venice, XV Salone dei Beni e delle attività culturali e del restauro, Porto di Venezia, December 1st - 3rd, 2011
Bologna, Artelibro, September 23rd - 25th, 2011
Turin, Triennale, May 24th - June 10th, 2011
Turin, XXIV Salone Internazionale del Libro, May 12th - 16th, 2011
Turin, Innovation Festival, October 6th - 10th, 2010
Venice, Biennale di Architettura - Spazio Tethis, October 8th, 2010
Naples, Maschio Angioino, November 5th - 9th, 2004
Barcelona (E), May 9th - 12th, 2023
Jerusalem (IL), Tower of David Museum, Opens July 1st, 2022
Dubai (UAE), Expo Dubai 2021, November 4th - 6th, 2021
Dedalo Minosse International Prize Virtual Exhibition, On view through December 31st, 2020
San Francisco (USA), AIA, February 11th - April 5th, 2019
Chicago (USA), Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago, October 24th - November 3rd, 2018
Tokyo (JAP), ASJ TOKYO CELL 4-2, April 7th - 18th, 2018
Buenos Aires (AR), Bienal de Arquitectura, October 9th - 20th, 2017
Paris (FR), Le Mondial du Batiment Interclima+ElecHB, Idéobain e Batimat, November 6th - 10th, 2017
Tokyo (JAP) ASJ Yokohama Cell, November 27th - December 13th, 2015
Buenos Aires (RA), CPAU, August 21st - 31st, 2012
Washington D.C. (USA), AIA Convention, May 17th - 19th, 2012
New Orleans (USA), AIA Convention, May 12th - 14th, 2011
Monte Carlo, Batilux Monaco, January 20th - 22nd, 2011
Vienna (A), Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 2010
Bruxelles (B), CIVA Centre International pour la Ville, 2010
Manila (RP), UAP Annual National Convention, 2010
Hanoi (VN), Hanoi University of Art, 2009
Kiev (UA), Parade of Interiors, 2009
Moscow (RUS), Zodchestv, 2007, Pirogovo Resort, 2009
San Francisco (USA), Convention AIA, 2009, Accademy of Arts University, 2009, AIA Gallery, 2003-2005
Riga (LV), Riga Forum, 2008
Jurmala (LV), International Days of Architecture, 2007
Boston (USA), Build Boston, Seaport World Trade Center, 2007
Guatemala City (GCA), Biennale di Architettura, 2006
Beijing (CN), Biennale di Architettura, 2006
Washington D.C. (USA), Ambasciata d'Italia, 2005
London (GB), Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 2005
Barcelona (E), Construmat, 2005
Tirana (AL), Galleria Nazionale delle Arti, 2005
Detroit (USA), UDM School of Architecture, 2003