Presentation of the book "La recita dell'architetto" in Vicenza, December 15

ALA is pleased to present the book "La recita dell'architetto" by Giorgio Scianca and Steve Della Casa. The book collects 1523 films, in all the languages, from silent films to today, in which an architect is the protagonist and links between the world of cinema and architecture are discusseed. The event is free and will be held Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 6pm at the Palladio Museum in Contra Porti 11, Vicenza.
The event is organised in collaboration with the Association of architects, planners, landscape architects and conservators of the province of Vicenza and with the support of Fondoprofessioni. The participants will receive a coupon offered by Palladio Museum to visit the exhibition "Jefferson and Palladio: how to build a new world" at the reduced price of 5 Euros instead of 10 Euros.

For information and registration
