The Dedalo Minosse prize will be presented on June 14th during the opening ceremony of the new seat of Confprofessioni, in via Boccaccio, 11 in Milan.
Mr. Bruno Gabbiani, president of ALA - Assoarchitetti together with Roberto Tretti and Andrea Tomasi, members of the national Council of ALA, will be present. The event will be divided in a whole series of appointments with the political and social institutions and the Milan and Lombardy professions worlds.
The opening of the new seat of Confprofessioni is in tandem with the "Giornata mondiale della donazione di sangue". The AVIS General Director of Milan, Sergio Casartelli is going to present the project "Emergenza sangue" which has been carried out with Confprofessioni Lombardia to raise greater awareness to the professional studios and their clients for the blood donation importance. Since 8 o'clock in the morning, in the vicinity of the new premises, there will be a AVIS Milano mobile unit for blood donation.
The president of the Regione Lombardia, Attilio Fontana, will cut the "opening ribbon" of the new Milan offices. Then, the work will continue with the round table "Giovani, lavoro e inclusione sociale" that will see the partecipation of the Assessore Regonale for the Welfare, Giulio Gallera, the Assessore alle Politiche Sociali of the Comune di Milano, Pierfrancesco Majorino, the president and founder of Comunità Nuova, don Gino Rigoldi, the Assessore Regionale for the work, Melania Rizzoli, the president of Cnel, Tiziano Treu.
In the afternoon Andrea Granelli, the president of Kanso, is going to present "Il professionista 4.0 - il manifesto di Confprofessioni per l'innovazione degli studi professionali". Then there will be a round table with the partecipation of Carlo Bonomi, the president of Assolombarda; Eugenio Gatti, the Director General of the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano; Giovanni Liotta the president of Federnotai. The speeches of Ms Valentina Aprea, Mr Alfonso Bonafede, Mr Maurizio Lupi, Mr Andrea Mandelli and Mr Mattia Mor are planned. The ceremony will see the partecipation of presidents of Associations and Ordini professionali of Milan and Lombardy and will end with the greetings of the national president of Confprofessioni, Gaetano Stella.
At the end of the day there will be a guided tour to the Basilica di Santa Maria delle Grazie, with a concert of the string quartet Thais (first violin Monica Vacatello) in the sacristy of Bramante, then there will be a buffet in the little Chiostro del Convento.
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