ALA - Interviews

(Youtube Dedalo Minosse Channel - 01/17/2022)

Interview with Bruno Gabbiani
ALA President

(Youtube Dedalo Minosse Channel - 01/17/2022)

Interview with Marcella Gabbiani
Director of Dedalo Minosse Prize

(Youtube Dedalo Minosse Channel - 01/18/2022)

Interview with Marco Ermentini
President of ALA Lombardia

(Youtube Dedalo Minosse Channel - 01/17/2022)

Interview with Paolo Posarelli
President of ALA Toscana

(Youtube Dedalo Minosse Channel - 01/17/2022)

Interview with Andrea Tomasi
Vice President for the North Italy

(Youtube Dedalo Minosse Channel - 01/17/2022)

Interview with Giovanni Maria Vencato
Event director of Dedalo Minosse and ALA Assoarchitetti representative

(Youtube Dedalo Minosse Channel - 01/17/2022)

Interview with Enrico Frigerio
President of ALA Liguria